Keely Green MSW, LSW

Keely is a Licensed Social Worker (LSW) who earned her undergrad from IU Bloomington and her MSW from Ball State University. She has worked under the umbrella of social services for over ten years beginning as a support specialist in the Peace Corps in Central America and, upon return, working with community mental health centers advocating for and with clients as they navigate the criminal justice system, addictions, trauma, and serious mental illnesses. Within these settings, she has worked with families and teens and is currently an elementary school social worker at an IPS. Prior to earning her degree in social work, she worked as a preschool teacher for many years and has a passion for working with children of all ages.

Keely feels so fortunate to work with Brooke’s Place to provide support, walk alongside, and continue learning from the amazing Brooke’s Place community as they navigate their journey through grief and bereavement. In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family, friends and pets, baking, and playing almost any sport.